Specific Vaastu Consultation

Vaastu solutions for your health, wealth and success.

People who are facing problems like Delay in marriage, Repetitive Divorces Delay in having Kids, Instability in Career, Facing difficulty in saving Money surely needs to get Specific Vaastu Consultation. Through Specific Vaastu Consultation, person can improve the current situation.

To go for Vaastu Consultation following is the Procedure

  1. Your / Owner Horoscope will be discussed before I visit Vaastu.
  2. Vaastu Visit Day will be confirmed.
  3. After Vaastu visit detailed discussion will be done.
  4. Vaastu remedies will be suggested for your Financial Career Growth.
  5. Implimentation of Vaastu Remedies will be done on Specific Day. (Muhurt Day).

Vaastu means the Energy which is Formed through Five Elements - Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Space. These forces can give you Positive Energy if they have proper flow in Vaatsu. House contrast to Vaastu Principles is unable to give you Positive Energy flow which disturbs your Health and Wealth.